
How long does it take on average for my order to arrive?

Product is in stock
Products in stock are usually shipped no later than the next business day. Consequently, you will receive your order within 2-4 working days. However, this period depends on your location. You can check UPS average shipping times to see your estimated delivery time.

Product is NOT in stock
If products are not in stock, we need to order them from factory. This increases the delivery time. Treatment time is approximately one week and delivery time is approximately 5 working days.

How much are the shipping costs and from what amount is shipping free?

Orders in EU are delivered free of charge.

Self pickup:
Unfortunately, self-collection is not possible at the moment. All products are conveniently delivered to your home.

Assembly service:

The purchased product assembly service fee is not included in the purchase price. Therefore no assembly service will be offered. But you can download the installation instructions online.